Trifecta Light and Weight Loss
We Love Serving Our Clients When It Comes to Weight Loss!

Lipo Light
Lipo-Light treatments are easy and effortless. Waves of electromagnetic light trigger your fat cells to unlock, allowing the contents to spill out and be naturally metabolized by the body. And, unlike traditional liposuction methods, there is no pain, no bruising, no swelling, no drugs, and no downtime. In other words, NO negative side effects. Laser-like Lipo Technology allows us to spot shrink any area of the body that contains unsightly subcutaneous fat – belly, hips, thighs, arms, back, and derriere.
It’s safe, simple and affordable, and as relaxing as any other spa treatment. Rather than a painful incision, the LipoLaser uses laser energy to safely (and painlessly) penetrate the skin and target specific adipose (or fat) cells. It is through this targeted process that the LipoLaser is able to stimulate the cell itself into releasing water, free fatty acids, and glycerol. Having released these three compounds, water, free fatty acids, and glycerol (often referred to as Triglycerides), the fat cells shrink significantly, resulting in inch loss for patients.
Appetite Suppressant
There are some clients who may have programmed their brain to eat for psychological reasons and for not truly being hungry. Advanced Medical Weight Loss RX uses phentermine as an appetite suppressant to assist our clients as well as providing behavior therapy, and a diet & exercise plan. If your BMI (Body Mass Index) is 25 or over you could be eligble for the appetite suppressant program. If you have any cardiovascular issues or health issues then this treatment may not be recommended. Some other issues may include:

HCG Diet
HCG is a natural hormone that is produced during pregnancy that helps promote weight loss. Coupled with a low calorie, balanced diet plan HCG shots can help trigger the brain into burning stored fat and initiating weight loss. When you get Advanced HCG treatment from Advanced Medical Weight Loss Rx you are receiving pharmaceutical-grade injections that ensure the quality and effectiveness of the treatment. The HCG diet, developed by Dr. A. T. W. Simeon. help reduce cravings and increase the fat burning process while supplying more daily energy. If you’re worried about being jittery, you can be at ease that the HCG injections will increase energy without the nervous side effects.
With our lifestyle and wellness counseling Advanced Medical Weight Loss Rx will target unhealthy eating habits and give you tips on how to make better choices to will lead to maximizing the potential success of the program. There are no calories to count or complicated meal plans to follow. Instead, we teach our patients to make smart food choices. Our behavioral modification services help patients stop the negative patterns of thought and action that leads to weight gain.
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Advanced Medical
Weight Loss RX
Call us at
(618) 655-0990
if you have any questions.